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Buy Cayetano Heredia University fake degree.

How to buy Cayetano Heredia University fake diploma?

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Cuánto cuesta estudiar en la Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia?

Matrícula Anual S/ 750 – 2.500. Pensión Mensual S/ 1.800 – 3.350.

Cuál es la universidad más cara del Perú?

The Universidad del Pacífico ranks first among the most expensive universities, while UTEC ranks fifth.

Cayetano Heredia University (Spanish: Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, UPCH; or simply Cayetano Heredia) is a private nonprofit university located in Lima, Peru. It was named in honor of Cayetano Heredia, one of the eminent Peruvian physicians of the 19th century. The university is overseen by a board of trustees (patronato) and is not owned by any private or state entity.

It is considered one of the top medical schools in Peru, along the Faculty of Medicine “San Fernando” of National University of San Marcos, and is currently one of the major producers and publishers of scientific research in the country.

The university was founded in 1961 by a group of professors and students from the medical school of the four-century-old National University of San Marcos in Lima. This group of students and professors expressed their strong disagreement with legislation, inspired by the APRA, a political party interested in the absolute control of the university system in the country.

The legislation advocated the “co-government” of all the state universities by the so-called “student one-third”, which would politicize the academic enterprise. The dissenting group was led by Drs. Honorio Delgado and Alberto Hurtado, dean of the medical school at San Marcos. As their campaign to preserve academics failed, the 400 plus faculty members had no other option but to resign en masse, and found the new medical school as a private non-profit academic institution.